
source: fashion gone rogue, fashion toast, luxirare, stylorectic, studded hearts, tumblr

thanks to the likes of balenciaga (augh i would kill for those sweaters!), blumarine, and emma mulholland i'm currently channeling a whole lot of sci fi inspired gear. but really, we cant talk about sci fi without talking about leeloo and multipass. and if you dont think fifth element is one of the most awesome movies of all time.. well then, we just cant be friends. watch the magic below..

source: fashion gone rogue, fashion toast, luxirare, stylorectic, studded hearts, tumblr

thanks to the likes of balenciaga (augh i would kill for those sweaters!), blumarine, and emma mulholland i'm currently channeling a whole lot of sci fi inspired gear. but really, we cant talk about sci fi without talking about leeloo and multipass. and if you dont think fifth element is one of the most awesome movies of all time.. well then, we just cant be friends. watch the magic below..

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  1. This is so cool! So happy I found your blog I love it! x


  2. dude, where did you find most of these pics? blew my mind! Totally feelin this inspiration too. X files.

    Hybid Hunter

  3. Great inspo! Loveeee!

    Jess xx


  4. So rad! Love the oversized/puffy shape of the jumpers in those first pictures... and that clutch! Obsessed with holographic stuff at the moment x

  5. Sci-fi inspired fashion is great, but actual sci-fi movies? Don't even get me started. Da bomb.

  6. Sci-fi inspired fashion is great, but actual sci-fi movies? Don't even get me started. Da bomb.

  7. This was a really cool post! Thanks for the awesome pictures and inspiration xx

  8. I loved the inspiration photos! Those hairs are amazing :D

  9. These are amazing, love the one with the girl inside the flying saucer out the front of some suburban house x

  10. Amazing inspiration. Fifth Elelment is one of my favourite movies, all the costumes were designed by JPG!!

  11. These is an amazing selection of pictures. Very inspirational. I love those shoes in the middle, they're insane

  12. wow! not only I loveeee all the photos!
    I'm way into space stuff.. my clothing label's called "lunatic" and that pretty much describes my aesthethic.. so I'm loving all these photos.. and leelo.. that white cut-out suit was my halloween costume 2 years ago :)
    I got so drunk and all I kept saying was "multipass!" to everyone.. my friends told me I got quite annoyingly into my character haha.. stay cool!

  13. Amazing ! Very cool !

    xo ,
    Ana Catalarrana

  14. My whole life is surrounded by the sci fi trend, that I even ended up drawing a fashion illustration feat. charlotte free with an alien last night!

    Also I love the pictures, will save some of them for late inspiration :)




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