
(me: wesc leopard varsity jacket, h&m tank, vintage levi cutoffs. sarah: gstar denim shirt and jeans)

today is my birthday! "all i want for my birthday is a big booty hoe!" just kidding.. ive been waiting months to quote 2 chainz on that, fyi. today i made a donation to red cross to help out with the aftermath of sandy. and it would be totally amazing if you guys could donate too, every little bit counts! and that is my birthday wish.

my pal sarah and i had a small get together at the roller disco last week to celebrate our birthdays. its funny how most my close girlfriends and i share the same birthday month. i surround myself with strong scorpios i guess. i havent gotten on skates since 2009 (aww memories!), and i must have forgotten everything i learned back then because i was pretty shaky! but regardless of the lack of skate skills aside, i had an awesome night. happy birthday to my scoripo sista, sarah!

(me: wesc leopard varsity jacket, h&m tank, vintage levi cutoffs. sarah: gstar denim shirt and jeans)

today is my birthday! "all i want for my birthday is a big booty hoe!" just kidding.. ive been waiting months to quote 2 chainz on that, fyi. today i made a donation to red cross to help out with the aftermath of sandy. and it would be totally amazing if you guys could donate too, every little bit counts! and that is my birthday wish.

my pal sarah and i had a small get together at the roller disco last week to celebrate our birthdays. its funny how most my close girlfriends and i share the same birthday month. i surround myself with strong scorpios i guess. i havent gotten on skates since 2009 (aww memories!), and i must have forgotten everything i learned back then because i was pretty shaky! but regardless of the lack of skate skills aside, i had an awesome night. happy birthday to my scoripo sista, sarah!

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  1. You were born on Halloween? This is too cool!

  2. Wish you the Happiest B-day Yuka!!
    Be inspired and inspiring all day every day!
    You rock girl! <33

    Pumps & Kicks


  3. Happy birthday !
    You both looks great !


  4. Rollerskating is so cool! I have bright pink ones at home, but unfortunately I grew out of them...

    xo Sootjeelina

  5. Those are nice looking ol' school skates.
    Great shots.


  6. She got a big booty so I call her Big Booty

    hehe, happy birthday!




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