a few snapshots from the wildfox party last wednesday at sky bar. i remember when i first started my blog a few years ago, i used to post photos all the time of my friends and i and our outings. lately it's been all work and no play for me, so i havent had much time to go out with my friends. but this year im going to make more time to have more fun. im going to find a better balance between work and play. let's call this a belated resolution. cheers to that!

a few snapshots from the wildfox party last wednesday at sky bar. i remember when i first started my blog a few years ago, i used to post photos all the time of my friends and i and our outings. lately it's been all work and no play for me, so i havent had much time to go out with my friends. but this year im going to make more time to have more fun. im going to find a better balance between work and play. let's call this a belated resolution. cheers to that!


  1. I should have RSVPed for the party...so many of my friends were there -- including you dear! Miss you <3


  2. lovely and funny photos, i totally agree about spend more time with friendos.. same problem here!




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